
National Consultant Job at UNICEF

National Consultant Job at UNICEF… See details on how to apply for the opportunities available at  UNICEF.


UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential.


• Conduct desk review of policy, frameworks and interventions targeting adolescents and youths,


• Travel to Dodoma for a briefing with TACAIDS, TASAF, relevant ministries, adolescents and youth’s focal person, conduct interviews with relevant stakeholders including officials from Government ministries, departments and institutions, NGOs, CSOs and adolescent and youth beneficiaries

• Undertake a field mission to at least 2 district councils for each of the three main AGYW program (DREAMS, CASH PLUS, and Timiza Malengo ascertain/understand the implementation context and map possible referral and linkage opportunities across programmes targeting adolescents and youth, identify and map relevant government ministries and non-governmental organizations that provide the required training/financial support to adolescent youth, focal person within the institutions.

• Develop an online service directory accessible to stakeholders (including beneficiaries) constituting of information on existing adolescent and youth programmes, geographical location, programme focus, technical focal person, eligibility for beneficiaries

• Travel to Dodoma for feedback and validation of findings with Ministries, Departments and agencies responsible for adolescents and youth issues.

• Produce final report with specific recommendations on proposed referral and linkages model that is responsive to the needs of adolescents and youth


Work Assignments Overview Deliverables/Outputs Delivery deadline Estimated Budget
1. Conduct desk review of policy, frameworks and interventions targeting adolescents  Inception report 7days 25%
2. Conduct interview with relevant officials and adolescent beneficiaries and youths, Briefing mission report and names of contact person for each ministry completed 7days
3. Undertake field trips to at least 6 district councils implementing DREAMS, CASH PLUS, and Timiza Malengo to review and assess adolescents’ and young people’s programs and possible linkage opportunities.  Field missions to at least 2 district councils for each of the three main AGYW program completed, field report with details of adolescent programs shared. 15 days 30%
4. Develop an online service directory accessible to stakeholders (including beneficiaries) constituting of information on existing adolescent and youth programmes, geographical location, programme focus, technical focal person, eligibility for beneficiaries  Online services directory developed indicating existing adolescent and youth programmes, geographical location, programme focus, technical focal person, eligibility for beneficiaries 14 days 30%
5. Orientation to AGYW program implementors and LGA officials on how to navigate the directory One orientation workshop facilitated 2 days 15%
6. Produce final report with recommendations on proposed referral and linkages model that is responsive to the needs of adolescents and youths. Final report 5 days
Total 50 days 100%

UNICEF reserves the right to withhold all or portion of payment if performance is unsatisfactory, if work/output is incomplete, not delivered or for failure to meet deadlines

Evaluations: The applicant should submit both technical and financial proposal which clearly stipulate how the work will be conducted. The Financial Proposal should include all costs of this assignment including fee, travel costs, accommodation as UNICEF will not pay any DSA.

Proposals will be both technically and financially evaluated. The technical part will carry a weight of 75%, in which the consultant will put clear his/her technical approach to ensure quality attainment of each deliverable and the consultancy in totality. The financial part will carry 25% showing the proposed budget breakdown of consultancy cost for each deliverable (fees, travels and accommodation) and eventual total consultancy cost.

The consultant will be required to submit the proof of medical/Health Insurance with medical evacuation coverage.

The consultant will operate remotely.
The validity of the contract will be for 50 days. The consultant will be required to travel to Field missions to at least 2 district councils for each of the three main AGYW program completed, field report with details of adolescent programs shared.


To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…

  • Master’s degree in Public Health, Social Science. Global Health, health policy and planning, Business Administration, Communication
  • Minimum of five years of professional experience in HIV and AIDS issues and conversant with AGYW programming.
  • Prior experience with livelihoods programming for adolescents and youth.
  • Theoretical and practical knowledge of and experience with participation of adolescents and young people
  • Prior experience working on adolescents’ and young people’s participation in planning and budgeting of health interventions is an advantage but not a requirement
  • Experience working with Government of Tanzania and/or UN on similar or related assignments is an advantage
  • Excellent report writing skills in English
  • Excellent Kiswahili and English oral communication skills


Submit your CV and Application on Company Website : Click Here

Application Deadline: 21st June 2023.


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