Digital Marketing Officer Job at AA Tanch Holding Company Limited

Digital Marketing Officer Job at AA Tanch Holding Company Limited

Digital Marketing Officer Job at AA Tanch Holding Company Limited…See Details on how to apply for the vacancies available at AA Tanch Holding Company Limited.

AA TANCH holding company ltd is a private limited company established in 2018.It focused on connecting buyers to sellers, dedicated in providing easy, reliable and secure trades as well as shipment and delivery of products from China, Dubai, Japan, and South Africa.

  • Digital Marketing Officer
  • Planning and managing marketing campaigns that promote a company brand and services offered.
  • Identifying targeted audiences and diversifying digital campaigns that engage, inform, and motivate.
  • Conducting marketing research and statistical analysis
  • Creating and maintaining customer relationships.


  • A minimum of two years’ experience.
  • Bachelor’s degree in digital marketing or any other related field.
  • Flexible working in ARUSHA.

How to Apply

The interested candidate should submit their application letter indicated clearly the position applied for, a detailed copy of the CV, and Name contact information (email address and telephone numbers) of referees.


The application should be submitted to the Human resource manager through email [email protected]

NOTE: AA TANCH holding company ltd is an equal opportunity employer all Shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Application Deadline:31st March 2021.

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