Mobile Application Developer Job at Institute of Accountancy Arusha

IAA Postgraduate Courses Offered

IAA Postgraduate Courses Offered…List of Postgraduate Courses Offered at Institute of Accountancy Arusha, IAA.IAA Postgraduate Courses Offered


The Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA) is a parastatal Educational Institution established by the Institute of Accountancy Arusha Act of 1990. The overall control and supervision of the Institute are vested in its Governing Council.


The Institute has over time developed a total number of thirty-seven academic programmes from Basic Technician Certificate, Ordinary Diploma, Bachelor Degree, Postgraduate Diploma and Master’s Degree.

The Institute also conducts short-term Courses and Seminars, many of them tailored to client needs. In addition, it undertakes consultancy and research activities as part of its Mission. Through these interventions, IAA aspires to develop lasting partnerships with Industry, the Government, and non-Governmental Organizations.

Are you searching for the postgraduate courses offered at the Institute of Accountancy Arusha, IAA for the current intake? Well, if that is what you are looking for, We have published below the list of postgraduate courses offered at the university.


IAA Postgraduate Courses Offered

Below is a list of postgraduate programmes offered at Institute of Accountancy Arusha:

Course Annual fee Duration
Msc Project Planning Management 4,440,000/= 1 year
Master of Science in Finance and Investment 4,440,000/= 1 Year
Master of Business Administration (MBA) 4,440,000/= 1 year
MBA in Human Resource Management 4,440,000/= 1 year

Prospective students can proceed to the Online Application Portal to apply.


IAA contact

For inquiries or more information, visit the Institute of Accountancy Arusha, IAA website, or any of the campuses.


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