Consultant Job at Tanzania Interfaith Partnership

Consultant Job at Tanzania Interfaith Partnership

Consultant Job at Tanzania Interfaith Partnership…See Details on how to apply for the vacancies available at Tanzania Interfaith Partnership.

Tanzania Interfaith Partnership is a renowned non-governmental organization.

  • Consultant
  • Provide both technical and financial proposals to TIP with due attention to the details of methodologies and strategies of the consultancy work.
  • Develop an evaluation work plan that will operationalize and direct the evaluation.
  • Work closely with TIP staff in planning and implementation of the planning process.
  • Design qualitative and quantitative data collection instruments and tools.
  • Recruit and train qualified and experienced data collectors/enumerators.
  • Review and analyze key project documents such as Annual achievement reports and field monitoring reports.
  • Ensure that the evaluation focuses on the overarching objectives taking into account, outcome indicators, opportunities and the lessons learned as a result of the project.
  • Review and design evaluation questions, checklists, field guides and other instruments to be used as tools in the collection and analysis of the findings and secondary sources.
  • Coordinate and supervise the fieldwork during the data collection period.
  • Provide overall guidance to the evaluation team in the data collection processes.
  • Ensure that lessons learned are well identified and incorporated in the report.


  • The lead consultant must be a health specialist and must have a minimum of a Master’s degree in Public Health or equivalent.
  • At Least ten years of working experience in project management and experience in conducting United States Government (USG) Agencies end of project evaluation.
  • He/She has to have strong statistical/data management and data quality management skill with extensive experience in carrying out standard quantitative and qualitative surveys, managing and evaluating public health response and development projects in develop­ing countries, as well as strong familiarity with survey methodology.

How to Apply

Please send a functional resume along with a cover letter to [email protected] with the subject line of the position you are applying for.


NOTE: Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Application Deadline: 31st July 2021.

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