Government Finance Statistics Job at IMF

Government Finance Statistics Job at IMF

Government Finance Statistics Job at IMF…See Details on how to apply for the vacancies available at IMF.

The International Monetary Fund is an international financial institution, headquartered in Washington, D.C., consisting of 190 countries working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial.

  • Government Finance Statistics
  • Managing TA on statistical capacity-building in GFS and public sector debt statistics.
  • Facilitating activities carried out by, and promote interaction of, government agencies in the development of such statistics.
  • Coordinating TA activities with the relevant IMF Departments (STA, African Department, as well as Monetary and Capital Markets Department (MCM) and Fiscal Affairs Department (FAD) as needed) and, where appropriate, with other international and regional institutions and bilateral agencies involved in TA in statistics to the EAC.
  • The new Resident Advisor will continue with the current program with specific time-bound reforms that have been closely coordinated with national authorities, the EAC, AFR, and STA.
  • The program’s implementation is being conducted in close collaboration with FAD’s public financial management advisor and macro-fiscal advisor at the AFE and Fund HQ, as well as with AFR country teams that set the strategic direction of CD for their respective country authorities.
  • The successful candidate must have an advanced university degree in a relevant discipline and should demonstrate strong expertise in GFS methodology and have familiarity with the compilation and dissemination of GFS.
  • The candidate should have a minimum of 10 years of practical experience. The candidate should have very strong interpersonal and communication skills (oral and written) and be fluent in English.
  • The ability to coordinate TA with the relevant IMF departments and with other international institutions and bilateral agencies is essential. Familiarity with the target countries’ GFS and current work programs is highly desirable.

How to Apply

Interested applicants should CLICK HERE to apply.


Application Deadline: 1st September 2021.


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