Consultant Job at HelpAge International

Consultancy Job at HelpAge International

Consultancy Job at HelpAge InternationalSee Details on how to apply for the vacancies available at HelpAge International.

HelpAge International is an international NGO that helps older people claim their rights, challenge discrimination, and overcome poverty, so that they can lead dignified, secure, active and healthy lives.

HelpAge International Tanzania Is developing a project which, If ap­proved, will be funded by the German Federal Ministry for Econom­ic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) under the special Initiative “SIF”- SI Flucht. The project title Is “Safe Environment for Persons with Specific Needs In Refugee and Host Community In Tanzania” .


  • Consultancy
  • Interested applicants MUST be a citizen of Tanzania.
  • Interested applicants MUST have relevant certificcates.

How to Apply


Interested Consultant and firms should submit Technical pro­posal and financial proposal separately addressed to and copy [email protected]

Application Deadline:18th February 2021


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