St. Aggrey College of Health Science Entry Requirements

Kisare College of Health Sciences Courses Offered

Kisare College of Health Sciences Courses Offered…The Kisare College of Health Sciences Courses Offered – Complete Health Courses Offered at Kisare College of Health Sciences.

Are you looking for the Courses Offered at the Kisare College of Health Sciences Courses for the intake? If that is what you are looking for, We have listed the courses offered at the institution below.


Kisare College of Health Sciences Courses Offered

Below is the list of courses offered at Kisare College of Health Sciences:

Programmes offered by Institution
SN Programme Name NTA Level(s)
1 Clinical Medicine 4 – 6
2 Community Health 4
3 Nursing and Midwifery 4 – 6

Prospective students can proceed to the Online Application Portal to apply.


For inquiries or more information, visit the Kisare College of Health Sciences official website or any of the campuses.


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