Child Protection Specialist Job at United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund

National Digital Education Platforms Consultant Job at Unicef

National Digital Education Platforms Consultant Job at Unicef…See Details on how to apply for the vacancies available at Unicef.

UNICEF, also known as the United Nations Children’s Fund, is a United Nations agency responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide. The agency is among the most widespread and recognizable social welfare organizations in the world, with a presence in 192 countries and territories.

  • National Digital Education Platforms Consultant
  • Support TIE Tanzania in upgrading its Digital Library as per the requirements identified.
  • Jointly with TIE and UNICEF Tanzania map out requirements for the upgrade of TIE’s digital library capable of harnessing the existing educational materials.
  • Provide technical support and advice as needed to ensure the products follow high-quality standards and are compliant with the Principles of Digital Development.
  • Convene regular stakeholder meetings to assess progress, identify bottlenecks and way forward to address said bottlenecks.
  • Monitor disbursement of funds and implementation of activities.
  • Support UNICEF Tanzania and civil society partners in the creation of SMS content for delivery of Education content.
  • Support UNICEF and identified partners in the implementation of partnership agreements or other programmatic agreements.
  • Convene regular stakeholder meetings to assess progress, identify bottlenecks and way forward to address said bottlenecks.
  • Monitor disbursement of funds and implementation of activities.
  • Support UNICEF Tanzania in recruiting an individual or a firm to conduct a digital Education Landscaping analysis for both Mainland and Zanzibar.
  • Monitor progress of work.
  • Facilitate dissemination of findings workshop for UNICEF Tanzania.
  • Prepare a monitoring framework for the intervention and document all progress and results for KM purposes.
  • Together with the UNICEF team, most notably the Education Specialist define monitor indicators, data flow and reporting mechanisms to track progress and results of the work with TIE, Civil Society agreements and Landscaping analysis.
  • Document key activities, lessons learned and best practices and maintain repository on the online library (to be agreed with Education Specialist).

How to Apply

Interested applicants should CLICK HERE to apply.


Application Deadline: 6th July 2021.


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