Territory Manager Job at Total

Territory Manager Job at Total

Territory Manager Job at Total…See Details on how to apply for the vacancies available at Total.

Total SE is a French multinational integrated oil and gas company founded in 1924 and one of the seven “supermajor” oil companies.

  • Territory Manager
  • He spells out, coordinates, develops and supervises the policies of the Network Department with respect to:

-SFS: shop, wash, maintenance bay, food, programming and promotional operations


-Reception of Products/Service/Quality: Top service,


-Hygiene/Safety/Environment/Safety of property and of persons


-Maintenance: in interface with the maintenance unit, he makes sure that the operator observes the contract terms.

  • He studies to propose and negotiates the economic aspects of the contracts within the framework of their installation, of their renewal, or of annual renegotiation (working capital required & Forecasted P & L).
  • He controls and wards off the financial risks by making a monthly check on the manager’s financial health (financial situation) and analyzes the economic and commercial performance levels (Real P & L).
  • He proposes and implements the action plans required for optimizing results.
  • He proposes and implements the continuing training plan for all station staff. He prepares and proposes a promotion policy for Young Dealers.
  • He implements a competition and sectorial watch; identifies and characterizes possible prospects, analyzes the competition.
  • He enrolls new fuel card customers and maintains the existing customers.
  • He conducts stock control and reviews all records pertaining to station operations – manually maintained records + electronic (FCC).
  • He ensures the stations comply with statutory requirements.
  • He ensures hygiene control at the shops is implemented as per TOTAL HACCP rules.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in commercial fields with at least three years experience.
  • Autonomy, organization (ability to hierarchize events), strict approach, feeling for business and for customer service.
  • Analytic mind, reactivity, availability.
  • Ability to listen and communicate managerial potential.

How to Apply

Interested applicants should CLICK HERE to apply.
Application Deadline:15th May 2021.

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