Desktop Valuation Officer Job at Aga Khan Foundation

Gender Coordinator Job (Southern Tanzania) at Aga Khan Foundation

Gender Coordinator Job (Southern Tanzania) at Aga Khan Foundation…See Details on how to apply for the vacancies available at Aga Khan Foundation.

The Aga Khan Foundation is a private, not-for-profit international development agency, which was founded in 1967 by Shah Karim Al Hussaini, Aga Khan IV, the 49th Hereditary Imam of the Shia Ismaili Muslims.

  • Gender Coordinator (Southern Tanzania)
  • Lead the design of AKF gender-related activities in the Coast Region as directed by project designs and the GES.
  • Develop and integrate all activities into the broader Coast Region Programme Workplan and ensure these are delivered efficiently, effectively, on time, and on budget.
  • Assume an active role in supporting the integration of gender into education and civil society programme activities and, where required, lead in aspects of these activities explicitly designed to advance gender equity.
  • Comply with all AKF activity reporting requirements and be responsible for the management of finances, including requests and reconciliations.
  • Ensure the effective implementation of the GES and associated action plans in the Coast Region and ensure these are compliant and contributing to the national policy frameworks.
  • Ensure the AKF gender policies are relevant and aligned to the country as well as the effective and timely implementation of AKF’s Gender Scorecard
  • Provide technical support to the Coast Region Team to enable the integration of the GES and actions into all aspects of AKF’s education and civil society programming and project cycles (design, budgeting, recruitment, etc.)
  • Identify capacity gaps and support needs of the Coast Region Team to inform the design and delivery of a strategic internal capacity development process. Ensure this is aligned and contributing to existing internal gender mainstreaming efforts.
  • Review education and civil society programme documents to ensure all materials developed and used are gender-sensitive and actively contributing to promoting gender equity.
  • Develop positive and close working relationships with partner civil society organizations (CSO), government, and AKDN education sister agencies.
  • Contribute to the CSO organizational and County Government capacity assessment processes to ensure these adequately and effectively assess and plan for the integration of gender equality across these institutions.
  • Provide technical support on the implementation of gender equality capacity development plans with CSO and government as part of their broader institutional capacity development plans.
  • Facilitate continuous review processes with CSO and government to track implementation of gender equality strategies and activities.
  • Collaborate with AKDN education sister agencies to provide technical support to improve the gender responsiveness of their professional development courses and materials.
  • Collaborate with M&E colleagues to ensure all data collection tools are gender-sensitive, enable gender disaggregation, are effectively used, and data analyzed.


  • A bachelor’s degree in Gender Studies, Social Sciences, Sociology, Development, or related field. A master’s degree is an advantage.
  • Minimum of five years of experience working to promote gender equality and inclusive social development.
  • Clear understanding and commitment to delivering strengths-based approaches to advance gender equality.
  • Clear evidence of delivering impactful, evidence-based, gender-responsive interventions and projects. Evidence of demonstrated impact within education and/or civil society is an advantage.

How to Apply

Interested applicants should CLICK HERE to apply.
Application Deadline: 8th June 2021.

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