
Dept of Agriculture Graduate Internship Programme 2023

Dept of Agriculture Graduate Internship Programme 2023 – For details about eligibility, requirements, available positions, application procedure – how to apply, application form PDF download, interview questions/schedules, etc.


Are you looking for internship programmes in South Africa? Do you have the basic requirements to apply for internship programmes? If yes, you are welcome to this page.

This page contains information about the latest internship programmes at Dept of Agriculture for 2023/2024 and how to apply.

An internship is a period of work experience offered by an organization for a limited period of time. It is typically undertaken by students and graduates looking to gain relevant skills and experience in a particular field. Employers benefit from these placements because they often recruit employees from their best interns, who have known capabilities, thus saving time and money in the long run.

CLOSING DATE : 6 April 2023 

SALARY R75194.53 per annum


Cooperatives Enterprise   


GP / 001 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Secretary, Public Administration,  Office Administration
Cooperatives and Enterprise  Development  GP / 002 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Social Science, Agriculture, Public  Administration
Cooperatives and Enterprise  Development  GP / 003 1
  • National Diploma: Business Management, Development  Studies, Financial Management / Economics
Corporate Services  GP / 004 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Communication / Public  Relations / Marketing
Corporate Services  GP / 005 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Human Resource Management,  Public Management
Corporate Services  GP / 006 1
  • National Diploma: Information Technology / Computer Science
Finance & Supply Chain   


GP / 007 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Accounting, Financial  Management, Cost & Management Accounting, Public  Finance
National Rural Youth Service  Corps  GP / 008 1
  • National Diploma: Public Administration, Office Management  & Technology
Operation  GP / 009 1
  • LLB
Regional Land Claims Commission  GP / 010 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Law, Development  Studies, Agriculture, Social Sciences
Quality Assurance  GP / 011 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Information Management,  Information Science, Records Management, Archival  Studies
Corporate Services  GP / 012 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Management,  Records Management, Information Science or  Equivalent
Communication  GP / 013 1
  • National Diploma: Communication
Corporate Services  GP / 014 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Security
Spatial Planning & Land Use  Management  GP / 015 4
  • Degree: Town / Urban & Regional Planning
Spatial Planning & Land Use  Management  GP / 016 2
  • Degree: Geomatics or related
Inspection Services  GP / 017 1
  • Bachelor of Science, ND: Agriculture, Natural  Science, Food Science, Microbiology & Food  Technology
Agricultural Inputs Control  NAT / 001 4
  • BSc Degree: Animal Production or Animal Science Animal Nutrition
Veterinary Public Health NAT / 002 2 Degree / National Diploma: Food Science / Technology,  LLB
Human Resource Utilisation &  Development NAT / 003 1 Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration
Veterinary Public Health NAT / 004 1 Degree / National Diploma: Animal Health
Statistics & Economic Analysis NAT / 005 1 Degree Statistics & Economics
Human Resource Administration NAT / 006 2 Degree / Diploma: Records Management, Information  Science
Sector Education & Training NAT / 007 1 Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration,  Public Management, Office Management, Finance
Sector Education & Training NAT / 008 1 Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration,  Public Management, Office Management, Finance
Sector Education & Training NAT / 009 1 Degree / National Diploma: Marketing, Communication
Sector Education & Training NAT / 010 1 Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration,  Public Management, Office Management
Knowledge Information & Records  Management NAT / 011 1 Degree / National Diploma: Library Information Science
Diversity Management &   

Transformation Strategies 

NAT / 012 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration,  Social Sciences, Human Resources 
Diversity Management &   

Transformation Strategies 

NAT / 013 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration,  Human Resources, Financial Management 
Knowledge Information & Records  Management  NAT / 014 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Information Management,  Information Science, Records Management
Knowledge Information & Records  Management  NAT / 015 1
  • Bachelor of Library & Information Science / Studies,  Post Graduate Diploma in Knowledge Management
Financial Accounting  NAT / 016 2
  • Degree / National Diploma Accounting
Vetting, Screening & Special  NAT / 017 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Office Management &  Administration
NARYSEC: Skills Development  NAT / 018 1
  • National Diploma: Public Administration 
Spatial Information Services  NAT / 019 2
  • Degree: Geomatics / Related 
National Rural Youth Service Corps  NAT / 020 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration,  Project Management, Business Administration, Office  Management
Internal Communication  NAT / 021 1
  • Degree / BTech / National Diploma: Public Relations
Internal Communication  NAT / 022 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Communication Science,  Public Relations, Journalism 
Internal Communication  NAT / 023 1
  • National Diploma  / BTech: Marketing, Brand  Management 
Internal Communication  NAT / 024 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Graphic Design, Fine Arts
National Quality Assurance  NAT / 025 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Quality Management,  Public Administration, Financial Management, Internal  Auditing
Finance & Supply Chain   


NAT / 026 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Supply Chain  
  • Management, Public Administration, Finance,  Contract Management
Sectoral Colleges  NAT / 027 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration
Sectoral Colleges  NAT / 028 1
  • Degree / Diploma: Agriculture
Administration  NAT / 029 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration
ICT Solution Development  NAT / 030 4
  • Degree / National Diploma: Computer Science,  Engineering, IT, Informatics, Software Development
ICT Service Management  NAT / 031 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Information Technology 
Genetic Resources  NAT / 032 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Management, Public  Administration
Genetic Resources  NAT / 033 1
  • BSc  / BTech in Agronomy, Crop Science, Crop  Production, Horticulture, Botany
Monitoring  NAT / 034 4
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agricultural Science,  Agricultural Economics, Land Administration,  Auditing, Business Management, Statistics,  Development Studies, Public / Business  
  • Administration, Computer Science, Information  Technology, Public Management, Commercial  Studies, Business Analysis
Veterinary Public Health  NAT / 035 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Office Administration,  Public Management, Public Administration
Human Resource Administration  NAT / 036 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Human Resource  Management 
Office of Chief Land Claims   


NAT / 037 1 Degree / National Diploma: Office Administration,  Public Administration
Proactive Land Acquisition Strategy  NAT / 038 1 Degree / National Diploma: Financial Accounting
Restitution  NAT / 039 1 Degree / National Diploma: Administration, Public  Administration
Office of the Chief Information  Officer  NAT / 040 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Financial
Deputy Director General: Spatial  Planning & Land Use Management  NAT / 041 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Management, Business  Administration
Spatial Information Services  NAT / 042 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Town / Urban, Regional  Planning
Planning Policy & Standards  Development  NAT / 043 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Town / Urban, Regional  Planning, Development Studies 
Planning Policy & Standards  Development  NAT / 044 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration
Spatial Coordination  NAT / 045 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Town & Regional Planning
Spatial Coordination  NAT / 046 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Management, Business  Management
Development Planning Support  NAT / 047 1
  • Degree: Town & Regional Planning, Urban Planning,  Development Planning
Development Planning Support  NAT / 048 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Management, Business  Management
Spatial Information Services  NAT / 049 2
  • Degree Geomatics / Related
Environmental Planning Services  NAT / 050 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Environmental  
  • Management / Sciences
Environmental Planning Services  NAT / 051 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Administration 
Land Use Compliance NAT / 052 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Town & Regional Planning,  Urban & Regional Planning


Evaluation NAT / 053 4 Degree: Honours, National Diploma: Agricultural  Science, Development Studies, Social Science, Public  Administration / Management, Monitoring & Evaluation
Finance NAT / 054 1 Degree / National Diploma: Financial Accounting,  Financial Management, Cost & Management  Accounting, Auditing
Human Resources Management  NAT / 055 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Human Resource  
  • Management, Public Administration, Office Administration
Project Management Office  NAT / 056 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Project Management,  Development Studies
Project Management Office  NAT / 057 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Office Management, Public  Administration
Deputy Land Claims Commissioner  NAT / 058 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Office Management, Public  Administration
Proactive Land Acquisition Strategy  NAT / 059 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Accounting, Financial  Management / Commerce
Office of the Director-General  NAT / 060 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration, Finance
Risk Services  NAT / 061 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Internal Auditing, Financial  Management, Law, Risk Management
Compliance Management Services  NAT / 062 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Compliance Management,  Law, Auditing, Financial Accounting or equivalent
Fraud Prevention & Ethics   


NAT / 063 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Internal Auditing, Financial  Management, Law, Risk Management
Administration Support Services  NAT / 064 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Human Resource Management
Provincial Performance   


NAT / 065 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agriculture, Public  
  • Administration 
Office of the Chief Financial Officer  NAT / 066 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Office Management &  Technology, Office Administration 
Organisational Development and Service Delivery Improvement  NAT / 067 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Management Services,  Operations Management
Organisational Development and Service Delivery Improvement  NAT / 068 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Management,  Management Services, Operations
Strategic Planning  NAT / 069 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Development Studies, Public  Management, Strategic Management, Public  
  • Administration 
Document Security Compliance &  Occupational Health and Safety  NAT / 070 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration, Security  Management
Restitution Management Support  NAT / 071 3
  • Degree / National Diploma: Administration, Management  Assistant, Financial Management
ICT Service Delivery & Operations  NAT / 072 1
  • De Degree / National Diploma: Information Technology
ICT Planning & Governance  NAT / 073 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Information Technology
Planning & Governance  NAT / 074 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Business Administration,  Information Technology
Knowledge Information & Records  Management  NAT / 075 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Information Management  Science, Archives & Records Management
Knowledge Information &   

Knowledge Management 

NAT / 076 1
  • Degree Library & Information Sciences / Studies, Post  Graduate Diploma: Knowledge Management
Human Resource Utilization &  Development  NAT / 077 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Management of Training,  Human Resource Development
Document Security Compliance &  Occupational Health and Safety  NAT / 078 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Safety Management,  Environmental Health
Media & External Communication  NAT / 079 3
  • Degree / National Diploma: Language Practice (Siswati or,  isiNdebele (1), Xitsonga (1) South African Sign Language (1))
Facilities Management Services  NAT / 080 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public  
  • Administration / Management, Administrative  
  • Management, Office Administration
Facilities Management Services  NAT / 081 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public  
  • Administration / Management, Administrative,  
  • Management, Office Administration
Human Resource Utilisation and Development  NAT / 082 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Human Resource  
  • Management / Development, Management of Training
Internal Communication (Corporate  Communication)  NAT / 083 1
  • Degree / BTech / National Diploma: Information Technology  in Web Management, Communication, Journalism or  other related 
Land Redistribution & Tenure  Reform  NAT / 084 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Business Administration, Office  Management & Technology
Communal Property Institutions  NAT / 085 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Law, LLB
Communal Property Institutions  NAT / 086 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Business Administration, Office  Management & Technology
Agro-processing Support  NAT / 087 1
  • BSc Agricultural Economics, B Agricultural  Administration (Honours), Agricultural Economics 
Land Rights Policy & Systems  Development  NAT / 088 1
  • LLB
B-BBEE-Charters Compliance  NAT / 089 1
  • Degree: Agricultural Economics, BCom Economics
Administration  NAT / 090 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Administration, Finance &  Human Resource, Financial Management, Public  Management, Supply Chain Management
Land Redistribution Information  Management, Risk & Compliance  NAT / 091 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Information Management
Cooperatives  NAT / 092 1
  • Degree: Economics, Agricultural Economics,  Agriculture Management, Development Studies
Legal Support  NAT / 093 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Administration, Public  Administration, Office Administration
Agricultural Production, Biosecurity  & Natural Resource Management  NAT / 094 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Management / Office  Management, Business Management
Human Resources  NAT / 095 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Human Resources, Public  Management, Administration
Northern Cape
Corporate Services  NC / 001 2
  • BTech / National Diploma: Information Technology
Corporate Services  NC / 002 2
  • National Diploma: Human Resource Management,  Public Administration, Public Management, Labour  
  • Relations, Social Science in Human Resource  Management and Psychology
Spatial Planning and Land Use  Management  NC / 003 2
  • Degree: Geographical Information Systems
Spatial Planning and Land Use  Management  NC / 004 1
  • Degree: Town and Regional Planning
National Rural Youth Service Corps  NC / 005 2
  • Diploma / Degree: Humanities
Monitoring and Evaluation  NC / 006 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Population Studies,  Demography, Public Administration & Development  Studies
Provincial Operations Support  NC / 007 1
  • National Diploma: Project Management, Construction  Project Management
Quality Assurance  NC / 008 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Records & Archival  Management / Office Management / Public  
  • Management / Public Administration 
Quality Assurance  NC / 009 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Commerce
Operations  NC / 010 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Law, Agriculture,  Development Studies, Social Studies
Land Restitution Support: Legal  Services  NC / 011 1
  • LLB Degree
Office of the Chief Director  NC / 012 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Office Management and  Technology, Public Administration, Public  
  • Management
North West
Cooperatives and Enterprise  Development  NW / 001 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Finance, Economics,  Business Administration, Management, Statistics,  Information System or Information Management
Corporate Services  NW / 002 2
  • Masters / Degree / National Diploma: Human Resource  Management, Labour Relations, Public  Administration, Public Management
Office of the District Director  NW / 003 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Business Administration,  Business Management
Tenure System Implementation  NW / 004 1
  • LLB, BA Law, BJuris
Office of the District Director  NW / 005 1
  • LLB, BA Law, BJuris
Tenure System Implementation NW / 006 1
  • LLB, BA Law, BJuris
Office of the District Director  NW / 007 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration,  Office Administration
Strategic Land Acquisition  NW / 008 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agricultural Studies,  Agricultural Economics, Development Studies
National Rural Youth Service Corps  NW / 009 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Business Administration,  Business Management 
Property Management  NW / 010 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agricultural Studies,  Agricultural Economics, Development Studies, Real  Estate
Rural Infrastructure Coordination  NW / 011 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Civil Engineering and  related qualifications
Land Development Support  NW / 012 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agricultural Economics,  Agricultural Science, Agricultural Management,  Agricultural Development and Extension
Provincial Office  NW / 013 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Office Management, Office  Administration, Secretarial Studies, Public  Administration
Property Management  NW / 014 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Law (Property Law) Real  Estate, Agriculture
Property Management  NW / 015 2 Degree / National Diploma: Law (Property Law) Real  Estate, Agriculture or Development Studies
Property Management  NW / 016 1 Degree: Business Administration, Communication, or  related fields
Tenure System Implementation  NW / 017 3 LLB, BA Law, BJuris
Tenure System Implementation  NW / 018 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Admin, Office  Administration
Tenure System Implementation  NW / 019 1
  • LLB, BA Law, Public Management
Strategic Land Acquisition  NW / 020 1
  • Diploma: Public Administration, Public Management  or equivalent
Strategic Land Acquisition  NW / 021 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Land Reform, Development  Studies
Restitution  NW / 022 1
  • Degree: Agriculture, Land Reform, Economics,  Development Studies
Restitution  NW / 023 1
  • Degree: Social Sciences, Research, Agriculture,  Diploma in Administration
Restitution (Office of the CD)  NW / 024 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Management,  Communication
Restitution (Operations)  NW / 025 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration,  Office Administration
Operations  NW / 026 1
  • LLB
Operations  NW / 027 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration,  Office Administration
Quality Assurance  NW / 028 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Accounting, Cost and  Management Accounting, Internal Auditing, Financial  Management, Business Management
Cooperatives and Enterprise  Development  NW / 029 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Business Administration,  Finance, Administration
Corporate Support Services  NW / 030 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Administration related
Land Development Support  NW / 031 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agricultural Management,  Animal Science, Crop Science, Agricultural  Economics
National Rural Youth Service Corps  NW / 032 2
  • Diploma: Public Administration, Human Resource  Management, Industrial Psychology
Spatial Planning and Land Use  Management  NW / 033 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Geomatics, Cartography,  Geographic Information Science, Geo-Information  Science and Technology;
Spatial Planning and Land Use  Management  NW / 034 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Town and Regional  Planning
Spatial Planning and Land Use  Management  NW / 035 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Environmental  
  • Management
Spatial Planning and Land Use  Management  NW / 036 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration,  Public Management, Business Administration,  Business Management
Quality Assurance  NW / 037 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration
Support Services  NW / 038 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Information Technology; or  Computer Science
Free State
Finance and Supply Chain   


FS / 001 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Management /   Administration
Spatial Planning and Land Use  Management  FS / 002 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Town & Regional Planning  or Hons with a Master’s degree that enables applicant  to register with SACPLAN
Spatial Planning and Land Use  Management  FS / 003 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Geographic Information  Systems or GIS as major subjects that are able to  register with SAGC
Property Management  FS / 004 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Administration /  Office  Management /  Office Assistance
Finance and Supply Chain   



FS / 005 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Logistics & Transport /   Public Management
Finance and Supply Chain   


FS / 006 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Financial Management /   Accounting /  Cost & Management Accounting /   Taxation /  Internal Auditing /  Financial Information  Systems
Corporate Services  FS / 007 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Human Resource  Management
Corporate Services  FS / 008 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Office Administration  /  Management
Corporate Services  FS / 009 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Social Work  /  Industrial Sociology
Finance and Supply Chain   


FS / 010 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Management
Land Development Support  FS / 011 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agriculture
Land Development Support  FS / 012 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agriculture
Property Management  FS / 013 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Property Management /  Agriculture
Property Management  FS / 014 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agriculture
Property Management  FS / 015 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Property Management /  Agriculture
Property Management  FS / 016 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Property Management /  Agriculture
Property Management  FS / 017 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Property Management /  Agriculture
Land Restitution Support  FS / 018 1
  • LLB
Land Restitution Support  FS / 019 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Paralegal Studies  /  Office  Administration
Cooperatives and Enterprise   


FS / 020 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agriculture /  Development Studies and  Project Management
Cooperatives and Enterprise   


FS / 021 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Office Management
Cooperatives and Enterprise   


KZN / 001 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Office Management, Public  Administration
Cooperatives and Enterprise   


KZN / 002 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Office Management, Public  Administration
Cooperatives and Enterprise   


KZN / 003 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Office Management, Public  Administration
Cooperatives and Enterprise   


KZN / 004 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Office Management, Public  Administration
Cooperatives and Enterprise   


KZN / 005 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration
Cooperatives and Enterprise   


KZN / 006 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Office Management, Public  Administration
Restitution Support  KZN / 007 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Relations, Journalism,  Communication Science
Support Services  KZN / 008 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Relations, Communications
Deeds Office  KZN / 009 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Human Resource Management,  Public Administration,
Deeds Office  KZN / 010 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Management
Deeds Office  KZN / 011 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Information Technology
Deeds Office  KZN / 012 4
  • LLB, BJuris, BProc, Law, Deeds Registration Law
Deeds Office  KZN / 013 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Financial Accounting, Cost and  Management Accounting, Financial Management
Support Services  KZN / 014 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Office Assistant, Public Management,  Public Administration
Cooperatives and Enterprise   


KZN / 015 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration
Cooperatives and Enterprise   


KZN / 016 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Financial Management
Cooperatives and Enterprise   


KZN / 017 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Project Management
Chief Director’s Office  KZN / 018 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration, Office  Management
Support Services  KZN / 019 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Information Technology
Monitoring and Evaluation  KZN / 020 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration, Public  Management, Office Administration
Support Services  KZN / 021 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Transport Management, Public  Management
Support Services  KZN / 022 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Human Resource Management or  relevant qualification
Support Services  KZN / 023 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Records Management, Information  Science, Management, Archival Science, Library Science, Public  Management
Provincial Office  KZN / 024 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Records Management, Information  Science, Management, Archival Science, Library Science, Public  Management
Quality Assurance: Restitution  KZN / 025 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Financial Management, Supply Chain  Management, Bookkeeping, Fleet Management, Sundry  Payments
Restitution  KZN / 026 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Community Development Studies,  Research, Social Science
Restitution  KZN / 027 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Geographic Information, Surveying
Restitution  KZN / 028 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Management, Secretary  qualification, Office Assistant
Office of the Chief Director:   


KZN / 029 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Human Resource Management
Support Services  KZN / 030 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration
Rural Infrastructure Development  KZN / 031 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration
Surveyor-General Office  KZN / 032 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Management or equivalent
Surveyor-General Office  KZN / 033 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Information Technology with MCSE,  A+, N+
Spatial Planning & Land Use   


KZN / 034
  • Degree / National Diploma: GIS, Geomatics, or qualifications  related to GIS
Spatial Planning & Land Use   


KZN / 035 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Urban / Town and Regional Planning
Support-Services: Vryheid  KZN / 036 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Transport Management, Public  Management
Support-Services: Newcastle  KZN / 037 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Records Management, Archival  Studies
Inspection Services  KZN / 038 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agriculture, Natural Science, Food  Science, Microbiology, Food Technology
Land Development Support  KZN / 039 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Office Management, or  Administration
Financial and Supply Chain  KZN / 040 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Management, or  Administration
Financial Management  KZN / 041 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Commerce or, Accounting, or  Auditing
Eastern Cape
Corporate Support Services  EC / 001 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Social Work, Health Promotion
Finance and Supply Chain   


EC / 002 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration
Finance and Supply Chain   


EC / 003 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Financial Management
Finance and Supply Chain   


EC / 004 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Management, Supply Chain  Management, Logistics Management
Corporate Services  EC / 005 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Information Technology
Spatial Planning & Land Use   

Management Services 

EC / 006 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Geographical Information Systems
National Rural Youth Service Corps  EC / 007
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Management, Management,  Office Management & Technology, Public Administration,  Public Finance, Accounting
Corporate Support Services  EC / 008 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Management, Public  Administration
Corporate Services  EC / 009 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Human Resource Management
Cooperatives & Enterprise   


EC / 010 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agribusiness Management,  Agricultural Economics, Crop Production, Animal Production,  Animal Science
Corporate Services  EC / 011 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Office Management & Technology,  Administrative Management, Management Assistant
Tenure Reform Implementation  EC / 012 1
  • Degree / National Diploma:
Restitution Support  EC / 013 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Archives and Records Management
Land Restitution Support  EC / 014 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Office Administration
Chief Directorate: Land Restitution  Support  EC / 015 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Relations, Communication  Science, Public Administration
Finance and Quality Assurance  EC / 016 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Auditing, Administration, Management
Chief Directorate: Land Restitution  Support  EC / 017 1
  • LLB
Corporate Services  EC / 018 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Archives and Records Management,  Information Science, Administration
Spatial Planning & Land Use   

Management Services 

EC / 019 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Office Administration
Spatial Planning & Land Use   

Management Services 

EC / 020 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Town / Urban and Regional Planning
Land Development & Post   


EC / 021 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agricultural Economics
Land Development & Post   


EC / 022 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Animal Production, Animal Science
Land Development & Post   


EC / 023 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Management, Public  Administration
Land Development & Post   



EC / 024 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agricultural Economics, Extension,  Crop, Animal Production
Rural Infrastructure Development  EC / 025 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration, Office  Management
Strategic Land Acquisition  EC / 026 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agricultural Studies, Agricultural  Economics, Development Studies
Cooperatives & Enterprise   


EC / 027 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Business Administration, Public  Administration
Cooperatives & Enterprise   


EC / 028 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agricultural Economics
Strategic Land Acquisition  EC / 029 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Office Assistant, Public Administration
Strategic Land Acquisition  EC / 030 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agricultural Economics, Land Use  Management, Development Economics
Cooperatives & Enterprise   


EC / 031 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agriculture, Agricultural Economics,  Development Studies
Cooperatives & Enterprise   


EC / 032 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agricultural Economics, Development  Studies, Crop Production
Cooperatives & Enterprise   


EC / 033 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration, Public  Management
Land Development Support  EC / 034 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agricultural Science
Inspection Services  EC / 035 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agriculture, Natural Science, Food  Science, Microbiology, Food Technology 
Provincial Office  MP / 001 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Office Administration, Business  Administration, Management Assistant, Executive Office  Assistance and other related secretariat qualification
Strategic Land Acquisition  MP / 002 1
  • Diploma: Office Technology / Office Administration / Public  Management 
Strategic Land Acquisition  MP / 003 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agriculture / Project Management / Development Studies
Corporate Services  MP / 004 1
  • Degree: Social Work / Psychology / Counseling Psychology
Provincial Operations Support  MP / 005 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Development Studies / Social Science:  LLB  / National Diploma: Legal Assistance
Strategic Land Acquisition  MP / 006 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Community Development, Public  Relation / Public Administration
Corporate Services  MP / 007 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Human Resource Management   / Labour Relations / Public Administration
Finance and Supply Chain   


MP / 008 1
  • Degree / National Diploma:  
  • Accounting / Accountancy / Business / Economics / Auditing / Financial  Management
Registry  MP / 009 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Archive and Records Management or  Document Management, Information Science, Public  Administration / Management
Supply Chain Management  MP / 010 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration / Management,  Logistics Management, Supply chain Management and  Purchasing Management
Surveyor-General Office  MP / 011 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Information Technology
Administration  MP / 012 1
  • Degree / National Diploma Public Administration
Legal Service  MP / 013 1
  • LLB Degree: Paralegal  / Diploma and Public Administration
Property Management  MP / 014 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agriculture, Law / Property  Management / Real Estate
Property Management  MP / 015 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agriculture, Law  / Property  Management / Real Estate
Operational Management  MP / 016 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Law, Research, Community  Development and Social Science
Land Development Support  MP / 017 2
  • BSc: B agriculture: Agricultural Economics
Tenure Reform Implementation  MP / 018 1
  • BTech / Degree: Agriculture, Developmental Studies, LAW
Spatial Planning & Land Use   


MP / 019 3
  • Degree / National Diploma: Town / Urban and Regional Planning.
Spatial Planning & Land Use   


MP / 020 3
  • Degree BSc. Geo-informatics; BSc. GIS; BSc. Geospatial  Science; BSc. Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation;  BSc. Geography; BSc Environmental Science or Equivalent  Qualification
Inspection Services  MP / 021 1
  • BSc / Degree / National Diploma: Agriculture / Natural Science / Food  Science / Microbiology and Food Technology
Rural Development  MP / 022 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Civil Engineering
Rural Development  MP / 023 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Architectural Studies
Rural Development  MP / 024 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: in Quantity Surveying
Rural Development  MP / 025 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Construction Management
Rural Development  MP / 026 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: project Administration / Office  Administration / Office Management
Rural Development  MP / 027 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agricultural / Civil Engineering
Rural Development  MP / 028 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Environmental Science / Natural  Science
Cooperatives and Enterprise   


LP / 001 1
  • Bachelor: Agriculture Science (Crop), 
Cooperatives and Enterprise   


LP / 002 1
  • B Adm Degree / National Diploma: Public Admin
District Office  LP / 003 1
  • Degree / Diploma: Public Administration
Regional Land Claims Commission  LP / 004 1
  • D Degree / National Diploma: Office: Administration
Regional Land Claims Commission  LP / 005 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration or  Communications
National Rural Youth Service Corps  LP / 006 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration, Secretarial  work, Financial Management, Youth Development related  courses, Counselling related courses
Spatial Planning & Land Use   


LP / 007 1
  • Diploma / Bachelor’s Degree: Geographic Information Systems
Spatial Planning & Land Use   


LP / 008 1
  • National Diploma or Degree: Urban / Town and Regional  Planning
Provincial Operations Support  LP / 009 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Monitoring and Evaluation,  Development Studies and Project Management
Tenure Reform Implementation  LP / 010 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Administration
Property Management  LP / 011 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Law  / Real Estate and Property  Management
Corporate Support Services  LP / 012 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Management / Administration
Property Management  LP / 013 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agriculture
Strategic Land Acquisition  LP / 014 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agriculture
Cooperative and Enterprise   


LP / 015 1
  • Degree / National Diploma Agricultural: Animal Production  / BSc Animal Production Agricultural Economics / Bachelor of  Agriculture
Corporate Support Services  LP / 016 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Human Resource Management
Cooperative and Enterprise   


LP / 017 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Agriculture (Crop / plant)
Cooperative and Enterprise   


LP / 018 1
  • Bachelor of Agriculture: Agricultural Economics
Cooperative and Enterprise   


LP / 019 1
  • B Admin  / National Diploma: Public Admin
Quality Assurance and   


LP / 020 1
  • National Diploma / Bachelor of Commerce: Financial /  Cost and  Management Accounting, Internal Auditing
Finance and Supply Chain   


LP / 021 1
  • Degree or Diploma: Logistics, Supply Chain, Procumbent
Finance and Supply Chain   


LP / 022 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Commerce, Cost and Management  Accounting, Financial Accounting, Financial Management and  Internal Auditing
Finance and Supply Chain   


LP / 023 1
  • Degree / Diploma: Management Assistant  / Office Administration and Technology
Corporate Support Services  LP / 024 1
  • LLB
Rural Social Infrastructure   


LP / 025 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration / Management 
Rural Social Infrastructure   


LP / 026 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Financial Management / Supply Chain  Management / Accounting 
Rural Social Infrastructure   


LP / 027 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Civil Engineering
Rural Social Infrastructure   


LP / 028 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: building Science / Construction  Management / Quantity Surveying
Quality Assurance and   


LP / 029 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Transport Management / Logistics
Quality Assurance and   



LP / 030 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Records Management / Archival  Studies / Library Science
Quality Assurance and   


LP / 031 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Financial Accounting / Auditing
Quality Assurance and   


LP / 032 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Statistics
Quality Assurance and   


LP / 033 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: information Technology / Information  Systems / Computer Science
Records Management  LP / 034 1
  • Degree / Diploma: Information Studies / Records Management
Corporate Support Services  LP / 035 1
  • National Diploma: Computer Science or Information Technology
Corporate Support Services  LP / 036 1
  • Diploma / Degree: Communication / Journalism / Media Studies
Sekhukhune District  LP / 037 1
  • Degree: Business Informatics / analytics
Corporate Support Services  LP / 038 1
  • Degree / Diploma: Public Administration / Management, Supply  Chain Management, Human Resource Management.
Surveyor-General  LP / 039 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration
Surveyor-General  LP / 040 1
  • National Diploma: Surveying
Surveyor-General  LP / 041 1
  • National Diploma: Surveying
Surveyor-General  LP / 042 1
  • National Diploma: Information Technology
Surveyor-General  LP / 043 1
  • Diploma / Degree in office Management / Archival  
  • Studies / Information Studies
Cooperative and Enterprise   


LP / 044 1
  • B Admin / National Diploma Public Admin
Cooperative and Enterprise   


LP / 045 1
  • Bachelor of Agriculture Science (Crop)
Legal Services LP / 31 1
  • Degree / National Diploma in Social Work / Psychology
Western Cape
National Rural Youth Service Corps  WC / 001 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Business Administration, Data  Management
National Rural Youth Service Corps  WC / 002 2
  • Diploma in Management / Office Assistance / Project Management
National Rural Youth Service Corps  WC / 003 2
  • Degree / Diploma Business Administration
National Rural Youth Service Corps  WC / 004 1
  • Degree / National Diploma Public Management
Support Services  WC / 005 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Public Administration / Management
Support Services  WC / 006 1
  • Degree / National Diploma: Financial  
  • Management / Accounting / Public Financial Management
Mapping Services  WC / 007 2
  • Degree / National Diploma: Surveying / Cartography and GISc
Integrated Topographic Division  WC / 008 2
  • BSc In Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing
Support Services  WC / 009 1
  • National Diploma / Bachelor’s Degree: Human Resource  Management / Public Administration
Support Services  WC / 010 2
  • National Diploma / BCom in Information Technology or Systems
Finance and Supply Chain   


WC / 011 1
  • ND / Degree Financial  
  • Management / Accounting / Commerce / SCM / Logistics / Purchasing  Management
Deeds Registry  WC / 012 1
  • National Diploma: Information Technology / Studying towards IT  Qualifications
Deeds Registry  WC / 013 2
  • National Diploma Public Management
Deeds Registry  WC / 014 2
  • National Diploma Financial Management  / SCM / Cost and  Management Accounting
Deeds Registry  WC / 015 2
  • National Diploma Public Management
Deeds Registry  WC / 016 4
  • LLB /  BJuris / BProc / National Diploma Deeds registration
Tenure Reform Implementation  WC / 017 5
  • Bachelor of Law (LLB)
Tenure Reform Implementation  WC / 018 5
  • Geographic Information Systems: Public Management / Public  Administration
Inspection Services  WC / 019 1
  • Bachelor of Science Degree / BSc Hons: Biological Science


Kgarosekgaroe (PTY) LTD  IND / 001 Capricorn 1 Diploma: Food Technology
Vuna Seeds and Projects (PTY)LTD  IND / 002 uMngeni 1
  • BSc: Agriculture (Plant Production)
Action Classics T / A Golden Greek  Food  IND / 003 eThekwini 1
  • BSc: Biotechnology, Microbiology, Food Science; Food  Technology
Karan Beef  IND / 004 Gert Sibande 2
  • BSc / Diploma: Agriculture and Food Science
Number Two Piggeries (PTY) LTD  IND / 005 Chris Hani 2
  • Degree / Diploma: Agriculture
Khora Africa Project Co-operation  Limited  IND / 006 Tshwane 1
  • BSc / Diploma: Agricultural Science and Animal Science
Khora Africa Project Co-operation  Limited  IND / 007 Tshwane 2
  • BSc / Diploma: Food Science / Food Technology
Tate and Lyle  IND / 008 City of 


  • National Diploma: Food Technology  / Biotechnology
Tate and Lyle  IND / 009 City of 


  • National Diploma / BTech: Food Technology
Cookhouse Creamery (PTY) LTD  IND / 010 Blue crane 


  • Degree / Diploma: Food Science and Food Technology 
Young Farmers Agric Business PTY  Ltd  IND / 011 Tshwane 1
  • Degree / Diploma: Agriculture Management
Serurube Africa  IND / 012 Tshwane 1
  • National Diploma / BTech / BSc or Similar
General Food Safety  IND / 013 Tshwane 1
  • BSc / ND: Food Science / Technology
South African Society for Agricultural  Extension  IND / 014 Mangaung 1
  • 4yr Degree: Agriculture Extension
CGA Grower Development Company  IND / 015 Tshwane 1
  • Degree: Agricultural Economics / Agricultural Management
Thornveld Farm  IND / 016 Waterburg 2
  • Degree / Diploma: Agricultural Management and Mixed Farming
Fortified Foods Marketing (Pty)Ltd  IND / 017 eThekwini 1
  • Degree / Diploma: Food Technology; Biotechnology and  Microbiology
Chester Wholesale Meat  IND / 018 eThekwini 1
  • Degree  / Diploma: Food Science and Nutrition; Food  Technology; Biotechnology
Agricultural Research Council  IND / 019 Tshwane 1
  • ND / BTech / BSc / BSc Hons
Agricultural Research Council  IND / 020 Cape 


  • BSc Agric BSc Hons
Agricultural Research Council  IND / 021 Tshwane 1
  • ND / BTech / BSc / BSc Hons
Agricultural Research Council  IND / 022 Tshwane 1
  • ND / BTech / BSc / BSc Hons
Agricultural Research Council  IND / 023 Tshwane 1
  • BSc / BTech / ND
Agricultural Research Council  IND / 024 Mbombela 1
  • BSc: Crop Science
Agricultural Research Council  IND / 025 Mbombela 1
  • BSc / Hons
Agricultural Research Council  IND / 026 Mbombela 1
  • BSc
Agricultural Research Council  IND / 027 Tshwane 1
  • Diploma: Biotechnology; Agriculture; Crop Production
Agricultural Research Council  IND / 028 Tshwane 1
  • Diploma: Crop Production 
Agricultural Research Council  IND / 029 Tshwane 1
  • BSc
Agricultural Research Council  IND / 030 Tshwane 1
  • BSc
Agricultural Research Council  IND / 031 Mbombela 1
  • BSc Hons
Agricultural Research Council  IND / 032 Tshwane 1
  • BSc
Agricultural Research Council  IND / 033 Tshwane 1
  • BSc
Retrose Scientific Pty Ltd  IND / 034 Tshwane 1
  • BSc: Agronomy / Plant Pathology / Microbiology / Entomology
Linloo cc  IND / 035 Tshwane 2
  • Degree: Animal Science /  Animal Production / Agricultural Science
Andermatt Madumbi Pty Ltd  IND / 036 Drakenstein 1
  • BSc: Agronomy / Plant Pathology / Microbiology / Entomology

ENQUIRIES Ms Nobantu Magabela (012 321 8913), Mr Mziwakhe Gwiji (012 312 9839), Mr Potlaki Maesela (012 312 8912) and Ms Nombulelo Ngcobo  (012 312 8321)

NOTE The application must include completed and signed new Z83 Form, obtainable from any government department or the Department of  Public Service and Administration (DPSA) ‘s website link: https: /  / / newsroom / psvc / , a detailed Curriculum Vitae, Certified  copies of Identity Documents, Grade 12 Certificates, highest required qualifications and Academic Record. Failure to do so will result in  your application being disqualified. Foreign qualifications must be accompanied by an evaluation report issued by the South African  Qualification Authority (SAQA). It is the applicant’s responsibility to have all foreign qualifications evaluated by SAQA and to provide proof  of such evaluation report (only when shortlisted).

APPLICATIONS Please ensure that you submit your application before the closing date as late applications will NOT be considered. If you apply for more  than 1 post, please submit separate applications for each post that you apply for. Due to the large number of applications we envisage to  receive, applications will not be acknowledged. Should you not be contacted within 3 months of the closing date of the advertisement,  please consider your application to be unsuccessful. Should, during any stage of the recruitment process, a moratorium be placed on the  filling of posts, or the department gets affected by any process such as, but not limited to, restructuring or reorganisation of posts, the  department reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process and re-advertise the post at any time in the future.

Applications can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or hand delivered to: 184 Jeff Masemola Street  (formerly known as Jacob Mare), corner of Jeff Masemola and Paul Kruger streets, Pretoria, 0001. 

IMPORTANT DALRRD is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. It is our intention to promote representivity in DALRRD through the filling  of posts. The department reserves the right not to fill a position. Shortlisted candidates will be required to be available for assessments  and interviews at a date and time as determined by the department. All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to personnel suitability  checks. The successful candidate will be subjected to undergo security vetting. DALRRD will conduct reference checks which may include  social media profiles of the shortlisted candidates. Applicants must declare any pending criminal, disciplinary or any other allegations or  investigations against them. Should this be uncovered during  /  after the interview has taken place, the application will not be considered  and in the unlikely event that the person has been appointed, such appointment will be terminated. The successful candidate will be  appointed subject to positive results of the security clearance process. The successful candidate will be required to enter an employment  contract and sign a performance agreement with the department. All applicants are required to declare any conflict or perceived conflict  of interest, to disclose memberships of Boards and directorships that they may be associated with.

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