Embury Institute for Higher Education Contact Details

Embury Institute for Higher Education Contact Details – Physical Address, Email Address, Phone Number & Mail Address.


Are you searching for the Embury Institute for Higher Education Contacts? If that is what you are searching for, you are welcome to this page.

We have published the Embury Institute for Higher Education Contact details below as extracted from the institution’s website.


About Embury Institute for Higher Education

STADIO School of Education, formerly Embury Institute for Higher Education, along with 3 other prestigious institutions in the STADIO Group (Southern Business School, LISOF and Prestige Academy), is now formally part of STADIO Higher Education!

You’ll find all our registered qualifications and staff in STADIO’s Faculty of Education, along with many additional qualifications and other faculties.

Embury Institute for Higher Education Contact Details

Call us 087 158 5000


Email us : [email protected]


If you are unable to make calls to 087 numbers, please contact one of our campuses listed below.


Call us +264 (0) 8333 10080


Email us : [email protected]

For information and inquiries, you can contact the Embury Institute for Higher Education by visiting the institution’s official website.
