Varsity College Contact Details

Varsity College Contact Details – Physical Address, Email Address, Phone Number & Mail Address.


Are you searching for the Varsity College Contacts? If that is what you are searching for, you are welcome to this page.

We have published the Varsity College Contact details below as extracted from the institution’s website.


About Varsity College

Throughout this site and all our communication, you will see reference to The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE). So who is The IIE and why are they important?


The Independent Institute of Education is South Africa’s largest registered and accredited private provider of higher education. Varsity College, a brand of The IIE, leads in the provision of these exciting learning initiatives of The IIE. The IIE is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private higher education provider, has more than 57 qualifications accredited by the Higher Education Quality Committee and is a subsidiary of ADvTECH Ltd, a public company listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. This scale and status assures our leading position in higher education.

Working with the academics and the rest of the team at the brands The IIE’s Central Academic Team assures the quality of the work done by all of the brands and manages the curriculum, its assessment, and all certification. A governance structure which includes a Senate, Teaching and Learning Committee and Faculty Boards oversees the development and implementation of academic policies which enables the exceptional quality of the learning experiences on campus and online.


The quality assurance system includes peer reviews of lecturers and tutors, programme reviews involving academics and people from industry and a range of student success and graduate tracking projects.

Varsity College Contact Details
PO BOX 20592
Campus Head: Rajesh Chandarman

For information and inquiries, you can contact the Varsity College by visiting the institution’s official website.
