Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Graduate Admission & Requirements

The Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Graduate Admission requirements for the academic year have been released. The list contains the names of applicants that have been accepted into the school.

Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Graduate Admission & Requirements

The management of Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Admission has released the list of Graduate requirements for admission into the institution.

Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Graduate Admission & Requirements

The entrance requirements to a Masters, Doctoral, or Certificate program at Bloomsburg University vary according to program. However, the minimum requirements for applicants include a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university or the equivalent degree from a foreign institution AND a minimum undergraduate GPA of at least a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Students with a GPA of 2.7 to 2.99 will be considered for provisional acceptance.

  • Program additional requirements should be submitted upon the receipt of your application. When applying please allow sufficient time for your application materials (including test results) to be received by the Office of Graduate Admissions. Files will not be forwarded for review until ALL application materials are received.
  • Programs with Rolling Admission: Application files must be completed and submitted at least two weeks prior to the start of the semester in which a student is applying. Although the Summer Semester is broken into three sessions (two that begin on the first day of the semester and one that begins six weeks into the semester), the Summer Semester is a semester. Anyone applying for the Summer Semester must have a Complete application packet and be accepted into a program prior to the first day of the Summer Semester.

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