
Canon Student Development Programme 2024

Canon Student Development Programme 2024 For University Students In Europe, Middle East & Africa – How to Apply.


Application Deadline: 7th March 2024

About the Canon Student Development Programme: The programme offers students across Europe, Middle East and Africa an incredible opportunity to meet leading experts, attend key industry events and have their portfolios professionally assessed.


Type: Training


  • To enter, you must be at least 18 on 7th March 2024 and either a student, intern, or have completed your course in the 2023-24 academic year.
  • Not at university? 10 places are available for participants nominated by the industry, regardless of where they are in their education journey.
  • Official language: Although the programme is open to anyone in the EMEA regions, participants will need adequate proficiency in English to take part.
  • Type of photography: Your portfolio should be within the genre of photojournalism or documentary photography.

Eligible Countries: All

To be Taken at (Country): Various places in Europe.


Number of Awards: 250

Value of Canon Student Development Programme:

  • Mentorships1: 00 students, selected by editors from top media agencies including AFP, EPA and Reuters will receive 1-2-1 mentorships.
  • Exclusive workshop: Up to 30 students will be invited to a career-defining workshop in Girona, Spain and attend Visa pour l’Image, the international festival of photojournalism in Perpignan, France.
  • Hamburg Portfolio Review: 5 students will be offered an exclusive place at the Hamburg Portfolio Review.
  • Prestigious prizes: The final 5 will receive up to €9k worth of Canon kit and a €2k grant.

How to Apply: Your portfolio can contain a maximum of two projects, compromising up to 20 images each, plus a description of your project(s), image captions and a personal bio.


  • It is important to go through all application requirements in the Award Webpage (see Link below) before applying.

Visit Award Webpage for De.tails
