Carlow University Graduate Admission & Requirements

The Carlow University Graduate Admission requirements for the academic year have been released. The list contains the names of applicants that have been accepted into the school.

Carlow University Graduate Admission & Requirements

The management of Carlow University Admission has released the list of Graduate requirements for admission into the institution.

Carlow University Graduate Admission & Requirements

  1. Complete application: Create a Bridge to Carlow account, fill out an application and make sure your transcripts have been sent.
  2. Review program-specific admissions requirements: Some programs require additional steps to complete your application and are included on individual program pages.
  3. Receive admissions decisions: We operate on rolling admissions. You can check your admissions status through Bridge to Carlow. Admissions decisions generally occur within two weeks after your application has been submitted.
  4. Confirm intent to enroll: After acceptance, log into Bridge to Carlow and submit the enrollment reply form to secure your spot.
  5. Register for classes: You will meet with the student success coordinator to review your transfer credit evaluation and establish your course schedule for your first semester.

Carlow University Contact.

Address: 3333 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Phone: (412) 578-6000 Protection Status