
CNIO Fellowships 2020/2021 in UK & US – How to Apply

CNIO Fellowships 2020/2021 in UK & US – How to Apply | In this post, you will be given a complete step on How to Apply for the CNIO Fellowships 2020/2021, Admission Criteria/ Requirements & Application Deadline.


Scholarship Information

This award is designed for those who wish to start or continue their postdoctoral training at one of the world’s leading comprehensive cancer centers. Two successful candidates have the opportunity of spending two years at the center developing an ambitious research project, The selected candidate will be employed by the CNIO through a working contract in accordance with Spanish laws and regulations and will be entitled to all benefits available to regular CNIO employees, and Accordingly, contracts fully cover social security, including sickness and parental benefits, pension rights and unemployment benefits. During the duration of their contract, the postdoctoral scientist must work full time at the CNIO.


CNIO Fellowships 2020/2021 Eligibility  2020/2021

The following is the criteria for the selection:

  • Applications are accepted from around the world.
  •  Pursue a postdoctoral training program will be awarded in any subject offered by the university
  • To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following criteria:
  • Enrollment in a predoctoral and/or postdoctoral training programmes in a recognized research centre in the UK or in the USA for at least 24 months during the past 3 years (from June 1, 2017, to July 10, 2020).
  • Hold a PhD degree. Candidates who are expected to obtain their degree before July 10, 2020, are eligible provided that their thesis supervisor accredits this circumstance in his/her letter of reference.
  • In the case that the candidate was awarded a fellowship but did not obtain the PhD degree before the date mentioned above, his/her position would be offered to the next candidate on the waiting list.
  • At least one first-author publication either published or accepted before the application deadline in a relevant international peer-reviewed journal in the Medicine & Life Sciences field.
  •  For admission, applicants must hold a PhD degree from a recognized university.
  • Students need to demonstrate that they have a good level of written and spoken English.

How to Apply for CNIO Fellowships 2020/2021 

Applicants must follow the link below to complete the online application for CNIO Fellowships 2020/2021


Applicants must include the following in their applications:

  • Candidates must upload all required documents such as two letters of reference; one of them has to be provided by the thesis supervisor.
  • Only applications that arrive before the application deadline shall be considered

Application Deadline: July 10, 2020
