
Courses Offered at Machakos Technical Institute for The Blind

Courses Offered at Machakos Technical Institute for The Blind…Official List of Approved Courses Offered at Machakos Technical Institute for The Blind.


Below are the available Undergraduate, Certificate, and Diploma Courses Offered at Machakos Technical Institute for The Blind.


List of Machakos Technical Institute for The Blind

Certificate Courses 

  • Craft Certificate in Building Technology(Building Technology)
  • Artisan Certificate in Building Technology(Building Technology)
  • Craft Certificate in Information Communication Technology(ICT)
  • Artisan in Clothing and Textile(Clothing and Textile)
  • Certificate in Garment Making(Garment Making)
  • Knitting
  • Certificate in Masonry(Masonry)
  • Certificate in Massage Therapy(Massage Therapy)
  • Certificate in Clothing Technology(Clothing Technology)
  • Certificate in Carpentry and Joinery(Carpentry and Joinery)
  • Leather Work(Leather Work)
  • Certificate in Braille(Braille)
  • Craft Certificate in Human Resource Management(HRM)
  • Certificate in Computer Application Packages(Computer Application Packages)

Diploma Courses 

  • Diploma in Information Technology(Information Technology)
  • Diploma in Human Resource Management(Human Resource Management)
  • Diploma in Clothing Technology(Clothing Technology)
  • Diploma in Entrepreneurship(Entrepreneurship)
  • Diploma in Information Communication Technology(ICT)
  • Diploma in Building Technology(Building Technology)
  • Diploma in Fashion Design and Clothing Technology (Fashion Design)

Interested applicants for admission should visit the application portal to complete the online application or visit the institution’s website to download the application form.

For more information or inquiries, kindly contact the institution’s via the official website or leave us a comment using our comment box below and we will get back to you ASAP.
