
List of Kenyan Famous Past & Present Legends

We all know that in every country, group, associations, race etc, they’re people or persons that are well respected, most admired and even envied by all due to their outstanding or mind-blowing performances or attributes. We often say they’re ‘legends’ i.e they’re persons held at high esteem. e.g Ronald & Messi are famous football legends known for their awful performances in football and awards won on several occasions nationally and internationally.


Also, Kenya is a country blessed with many famous past and present legends whose impacts were and are felt by all and sundry. They have affected and promoted their country in one way or the other.


In this post, we’ve put down a list of Kenyan famous past & present legends you need to know.

The following persons listed below are Kenyan famous legends;

  • Barack Obama Sr. – Kenyan Official.
  • Jomo Kenyatta – Former Kenyan Prime Minister.
  • Uhuru Kenyatta – Present President of Kenya.
  • Wangari Maathai – Nobel Peace Prize Winner.
  • William Ruto – Deputy President of Kenya.
  • Raila Odinga – Former Kenyan Prime Minister.
  • Mwai Kibaki – Former Kenyan Prime Minister.
  • Louis Leakey – Paleoanthropologist & Archaeologist.
  • Richard Leakey – Paleoanthropologist & Conversationist.
  • Lupita Nyong’o – Actress.
  • Julian Ozanne – Film Producer.
  • Edi Gathegi – American Film Actor.
  • Daniel Arap Moi – Politician.
  • David Rudisha – Kenyan Track & Field Athlete.
  • Liaquat Ahamed – Author & Writer.
  • Wangechi Mutu – Artist, Painter.
  • Aden Abdullah Osman Daar – Politician.

I believe you’re now conversant with all the Kenyan famous past & present legends, in case you’re asked or confused.

We hope to get positive feedback from you!!!
