
List of Courses Offered at LaRRI

List of Courses Offered at Labour Resource and Research Institute LaRRI… Full list of educational courses offered at the Labour Resource and Research Institute LaRRI.


About Labour Resource and Research Institute

The Labour Resource and Research Institute (LaRRI) is a Namibian-based research and education institute committed to the overall political and economic emancipation of Namibians and beyond. The institute does this through research, education, and lobbying and advocacy.


Are you searching for the courses offered at the Labour Resource and Research Institute LaRRI? Do you want to apply for admission? Well, if that is what you are searching for, you are welcome to this page.

But, before you proceed to check the list of courses, please, confirm the requirements for admission in the institution.


List of Courses Offered at Labour Resource and Research Institute LaRRI

Below is a list of Educational programmes offered at Labour Resource and Research Institute LaRRI:

Courses offered include: political economy, globalization, export processing zones (EPZs), structural adjustment programmes (SAPs) collective bargaining, affirmative action, and gender issues.


For inquiries or more information, visit the Labour Resource and Research Institute LaRRI website or contact the institution via their contact details.

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