Manchester Community College Graduate Admission & Requirements

The Manchester Community College (MCC) Graduate Admission requirements for the academic year have been released. The list contains the names of applicants that have been accepted into the school.

Manchester Community College Graduate Admission & Requirements

The management of Manchester Community College (MCC) Admission has released the list of Graduate requirements for admission into the institution.

Manchester Community College (MCC) Graduate Admission & Requirements

Applicants must provide proof of high school or college graduation or GED and submit proof of immunity to Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella (MMRV) to be accepted into a degree program, to be eligible for financial aid, and/or to graduate from MCC. Graduating Seniors should apply and begin the enrollment process as soon as possible, which includes course placement (in-progress transcripts are accepted), completion of the financial aid (FAFSA) process, advising registration, and payment of tuition and fees. Upon graduation, please ask your high school to send a final transcript to the Admissions Office.


Mailing Address

P.O. Box 1046
Manchester, CT 06045-1046

Driving Address

Manchester, CT 06040

Main College Phone Number

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