Meru University (MUST) Account Number – Details of Meru University (MUST) Account Number.
Below are the banking details of Meru University (MUST):
a. Cooperative Bank -Makutano branch. A/C Number: 01129378440000. Payments through business number: 400222 is allowed. Enter the university code (2524) followed by # followed by the student registration number e.g. 2524#BS 101/001 /20.
b. Equity Bank -Makutano branch. A/C. Number: 1040297858661
c. Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB)-Meru Branch. A/C. Number: 1117775917
d. National Bank of Kenya (NBK)-01242039008700
1. No other person and or organization is authorized to collect fees on behalf of the University.
2. All fees must be paid through the bank.
3. At the time of payment, students are encouraged to ensure that their name and the registration number is properly captured by the bank.