Northeastern University Undergraduate Tuition Fees

The Northeastern University Undergraduate Tuition Fees – This fee is the amount Undergraduate Students are to pay for the semester or the year.

Northeastern University Undergraduate Tuition Fees

Northeastern University has released the undergraduate tuition fee for all the programs offered in the institution for this academic year. To access the tuition fees, please go to the school website, or you can see the schedule below.

Northeastern University Undergraduate Tuition Fees

Program Per Term
Full-Time $29,550
Per Summer I or Summer II Session $14,775
Per-credit Hour Rate (see overload and reduced load policy) $1,847 Fall Semester Programs $37,750
NU Immerse Program $22,950
Foundation Year $19,780
Study Abroad (for additional information around costs and programs, visit the GEO website) $29,550
Dialogue of Civilizations (for additional information around costs and programs, visit the GEO website) $14,775
6th Year PharmD (effective summer term 2021) $15,395
6th Year Physical Therapy (effective summer term 2021) $13,395
Accelerated BSN $1,220 (per credit hour)
Fee Type Semester Summer Session
International Student Fee (one-time) $350
Residential Student Fee $32 $16
Student Activity Fee (per year) $148
Student Center Fee $70 $35
Student Recreation Fee $60 $35
Undergraduate Student Fee (in class or during study abroad) $310 $148
Semester in Silicon Valley Program Fee (D’Amore-McKim School of Business) $1,000

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