The Thomas Edison State University Undergraduate Tuition Fees – This fee is the amount Undergraduate Students are to pay for the semester or the year.
Thomas Edison State University has released the undergraduate tuition fee for all the programs offered in the institution for this academic year. To access the tuition fees, please go to the school website, or you can see the schedule below.
Thomas Edison State University Undergraduate Tuition Fees
Tuition is payment for all costs directly associated with the academic delivery of a Thomas Edison State University education to registered students.
Full-Time Flat-Rate Tuition: Register for 9 or more credits and pay a flat tuition per term.
Per Credit Tuition: pay as you go – at your own pace
Nursing Tuition: per credit pricing for students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate nursing programs
Military Tuition: per credit pricing (undergraduate courses only) for active duty service members, DOD Civilians, Reservists and military family members.
TECEP® and PLA Tuition: for TECEP® exam and portfolio assessment credits
Visiting Student Tuition: for students not seeking a degree
International Student Tuition: for students who live outside the United States
Fees are designated as payment for administrative services associated with other activities in support of the educational process and for materials used by students for courses and other academic activities. See our fees.
View information on How To Make A Payment.
Thomas Edison State University Contact
Address: 111 W. State St.
Trenton, NJ 08608
Tel: (609) 777-5680
Email: [email protected]