George Whitefield College Contact Details

George Whitefield College Contact Details – Physical Address, Email Address, Phone Number & Mail Address.


Are you searching for the George Whitefield College Contacts? If that is what you are searching for, you are welcome to this page.

We have published the George Whitefield College Contact details below, as extracted from the institution’s website.


About George Whitefield College

GWC is an accredited theological college based in Cape Town, South Africa.
GWC equips Christian men and women for ministry in Africa and the rest of the world.We offer engaging programmes in Theology, the core subjects being Doctrine, Biblical Languages, Church History and the much neglected discipline of Biblical Theology.

One of the distinctive features of GWC is the advantage of living in a diverse community of some fifteen African nationalities.


George Whitefield College Contact Details

Address: 34 Beach Road, Muizenberg, 7945 Cape Town, South Africa

Tel: +27 21 788 1652, +27 88 021 788 1662


Email: [email protected]

For information and inquiries, you can contact the George Whitefield College by visiting the institution’s official website.
