Applications are opened for qualified graduates to apply for the office of a Compliance Officer.
Kenya Dairy Board invites applicants to apply for the post of a Compliance Officer in their board.
Job Description
Kenya Dairy Board is a State Corporation established in 1958, under the Dairy Industry Act Cap. 336 Laws of Kenya. The Board is charged with the responsibility to regulate, promote and develop the dairy industry and to ensure the adoption of measures and practices designed to promote greatest efficiency in the dairy industry.
The Board is seeking to offer opportunities to qualified professionals who are focused, organized and result oriented for its Internship programme.
1) Internship in the Compliance Department
• A Certificate, Diploma or Bachelor’s Degree in Dairy Technology, Food Science and Technology, Public Health, Animal Science or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
• Proficiency in Computer applications;
• Must be Kenyan Citizen aged 34 years and below and
• Must have graduated from institutions of higher learning in the last (2) years
Personal Attributes & Competence
• Team Player
• Result oriented
• Innovative
• Firm and Fair
• Environmental Conscious
• Professionalism.
How to Apply
Application accompanied by a detailed CV containing academic qualifications, email addresses, day telephone contacts as well as copies of relevant certificates, testimonials, the national identification card is invited from persons qualified for the above positions.
The applicants should also provide names, telephone numbers and contact addresses of a least two referees who are knowledgeable about their competence and area of specialization. The applicant should request their referees to submit their references directly to the undersigned.
Application and referees confidential report on the applicant’s suitability for the job should only be submitted online via email on or before midnight of 18th March 2018 addressed to:
The Managing Director,
Kenya Dairy Board,
Headquarter Office,
NSSF Building, Block “A”, Eastern Wing 10th Floor
P.O Box 30406-00100,
“Kenya Dairy Board is an equal opportunity employer”