
NUST Entry Requirements 2023/2024

NUST Entry Requirements 2023/2024

NUST Entry Requirements 2023/2024- See full details below.


The Management of the National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe is pleased to announce the entry requirements for the various courses offered at the institution for the National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe 2023/2024 Intake.

Prospective students can proceed to check the requirements below.

Entry Requirements

Normal Entry

For normal entry candidates should:-

(a) have satisfied the general requirements as prescribed below; and

(b) have satisfied the special requirements for entry into the particular Programme chosen; and

(c) have passed English Language and Mathematics at Ordinary Level or approved equivalents.

General  Requirements

Passes in at least 5 subjects at Ordinary Level and at least 2 subjects at Advanced Level or their equivalents.

The following are acceptable to the University:

Ordinary  Level Pass or Equivalent.

  • Ordinary Level of the Associated Examining Board’s General Certificate of Education.
  • Credit standard of the Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate;
  • Ordinary Level of the University of London’s General Certificate of Education;
  • Ordinary Level of the Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education/ Zimbabwe School Examinations Council.
  • Subsidiary standard of the Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate;

Advanced  Level Pass or  Equivalent

  • Advanced Level of the Associated Examining Board’s General Certificate of Education.
  • Principal subject standard of the Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate;
  • Advanced Level of the University of London’s General Certificate of Education.
  • Advanced Level of the Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education/Zimbabwe School Examinations Council.

General  Subject  Provisions. 
Subjects must have been chosen from the approved list below and restrictions against the combination of overlapping subjects must have been observed


Subjects approved by the Associated Examining Board; and/or the Cambridge

Local   Examination Syndicate and/or the London General Certificate of Education/and/or Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education/Zimbabwe School Examinations Council.

  • Level
  • OA       Accounting
  • O          Accounts
  • OA       Accounts, Principles of
  • OA       Ancient History
  • A          Ancient History and Literature
  • OA       Applied Mechanics
  • O          Applied Statistics
  • OA       Art
  • OA       Art and Crafts (AEB)
  • OA       Bible Knowledge
  • OA       Biology
  • O          Bookkeeping and Accounting
  • OA       Botany
  • O          Building  Studies
  • OA       Business Management
  • OA       Business Studies
  • OA       Chemistry
  • O          Commerce
  • OA       Computer Studies
  • A          Computing Science
  • O          Computing Studies
  • OA       Divinity
  • O          Drama and Theatre Arts (AEB)
  • A          Economic & Political Studies
  • O          Economic and Public Affairs
  • A          Economic and Social History
  • A          Economic Geography
  • OA       Economic History
  • O          Economic Principles
  • OA       Economics
  • A          Electronic Systems (AEB)
  • O          Electricity & Electronics
  • O          Elementary Physiology
  • O          Elements of Sociology
  • OA       Engineering Drawing
  • OA       Engineering Science
  • O          English Language
  • OA       English Literature
  • O          Environmental Biology (AEB)
  • OA       Environmental Studies
  • OA       Fashion and Fabrics/Dress and Textiles
  • OA       Food and Nutrition/Food Studies
  • OA       French
  • O          French Literature (Cambridge)
  • O          French Studies
  • O          General Mathematics
  • O          General Paper (Use of English)
  • OA       General Principles of English Law
  • O          General Science
  • OA       Geography
  • OA       Geology
  • A          Government & Political Studies/Politics
  • O          Government Economics and Commerce
  • OA       Health Science
  • OA       History
  • OA       History, Ancient
  • O          History & Appreciation of Music
  • O          Home Economics
  • OA       Human Biology
  • OA       Law
  • OA       Mathematics
  • A          Mathematics, Applied
  • OA       Mathematics, Pure
  • O          *Metalwork
  • O          *Metalwork Engineering
  • OA       Music
  • OA       Ndebele
  • OA       Physical Science
  • OA       Physics
  • O          Physics with Chemistry
  • OA       Political Studies
  • OA       Portuguese
  • O          Principles of Economics
  • OA       Psychology
  • OA        Religious Studies
  • O           Rural Biology
  • OA       Shona
  • OA       Social Science
  • OA       Sociology
  • OA       Statistics
  • O          *Surveying
  • OA       Technical Drawing
  • O          Technical Graphics
  • O          *Woodwork
  • OA        Zoology

* Not more than one subject indicated above by an asterisk may be recognized for the purpose of satisfying Ordinary Level requirements.

Other subjects and other Examining Boards may be accepted by the Senate on the recommendation of the Registrar.

Restrictions against the combination of Overlapping Subjects:

In the selection of subjects for the purpose of satisfying the general requirement, subjects listed under Column A in the Table below cannot be counted with any corresponding subjects under Column B.


COLUMN A                                                        COLUMN  B


Accounting                                                      Accounts, Principles of Accounts, Bookkeeping.

Art                                                                 History of Art

Biology                                                           Rural Biology, Botany, Zoology, General Science

Chemistry                                                       Physical Science, Physics with Chemistry, General Science

Economic Geography                                       Geography, Environmental Studies

Economics                                                      Economic Principles, Commerce


Elementary Physiology                                     Human Biology

Elements of Sociology                                      Sociology

Engineering Drawing                                        Technical Drawing

Environmental Studies                                     Geography

General Mathematics                                       Mathematics

General Science                                              Physics, Physical Science, Physics with Chemistry, Biology, Zoology, Botany, Rural Biology

Geography                                                     Economic Geography Government &

Political Studies                                              Government & Politics

Health Science                                                Human Biology

Human Biology                                               Zoology, Biology, Health Science

Mathematics                                                   Pure & Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics

Physical Science                                              Physics with Chemistry, Chemistry, General Science,  Physics

Physics with Chemistry, Physical Science, General Science

Pure & Applied Mathematics                             Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics

Social Science                                                 Sociology

Zoology                                                          Human Biology, Health Science

Faculty  Requirements


For admission to a particular Programme of study and/or for Subject/ Courses within the Programme there may be specific restrictions on the choice of subjects in the General Requirements and/or additional requirements concerning entry. Such additional requirements shall be prescribed in the Faculty Regulations.

Special  Entry

  1. The following persons may apply for Special Entry and for permission To proceed to a first degree with exemption from the whole or part of the normal  entry requirements:
  2. A person who has obtained a degree of this or another University or degree awarding Institution.
  3. A person who has obtained from a University or an Institution of similar status, academic qualifications (other than degrees) acceptable to the Senate;
  4. A person who has obtained an appropriate number of subjects at An approved examination equivalent to the standard of the Ordinary Level of the General Certificate of Education examination and has subsequently passed an intermediate or equivalent examination at a University acceptable to the Senate;
  5. Students who qualify under this regulation for Special Entry may apply To the Senate to be exempted from certain courses and examinations. Permission may be given to complete the programme for a Bachelor’s degree in less   than the normal required period provided that no student shall be allowed direct entry to the Final Part of any Programme;
  6. Students who apply for admission under this regulation may be required to attend  interviews and/or special tests at the University to determine their suitability for admission to Bachelor’s degree studies.

Mature  Entry

Persons who are at least 25 years of age on the first day of the academic year in which admission is sought and who are not eligible for entry under the Normal or Special Entry Regulations may apply for Mature Entry provided that:

  • Applicants must have passed at least five approved ‘O’ level subjects including English Language and Mathematics (or equivalents) and must have demonstrated potential suitability for university studies by virtue of  their attainments and/or relevant work experience.
  • Normally, applicants should have completed their full-time school or college education at least five years before the start of the academic year in which admission is sought.

Requirements for Mature Entry

Applicants who wish to be considered under the Mature Entry provisions   may be required to attend interviews and/or special tests at the University designed to assess their command of the English Language, numeracy and reasoning ability and general suitability for admission to Bachelor’s   degree studies. Applicants who have previously attended Mature Entry tests and/or interviews without success will not be considered for admission under this form of entry unless in the intervening period they have acquired additional qualifications and/or experience.

Submissions  of Applications

  • Applications must be submitted on the official Admission forms.
  • The closing dates for receipt of application forms for Normal Entry shall be as advised for each year. Another date shall also be advised for receipt of late application forms. Late applications may be considered upon payment of the prescribed late-application fee until the advised date for such applications.
  • The closing date for Special Entry and Mature Entry applications shall be as advised for each year.

General  Provisions

Every student must satisfy the University that he/she has an adequate command of the English Language. New students may be required to undertake a test in English proficiency set by the University, upon registering for Bachelor’s degree studies.

Students admitted under the Special Entry provisions may be exempted from this requirement.

  • A student may not register simultaneously for more than one Programme at the University without the permission of the Senate.
  • Registration will take place in accordance with the arrangements prescribed each year through the Registrar’s Office.
  • A student’s registration shall not be confirmed until he/she has fulfilled the requirements for payment of fees.
  • Normally, no student shall be admitted to any programme or any course more than two weeks after its commencement. Any exception to this Regulation must have the written endorsement of the Chairperson of the Department and the Dean of Faculty concerned and will be subject to approval through the Registrar’s office.
  • Students who enter or return to the University late shall not be entitled to special tuition.
  • Such students shall be liable to pay the late registration fine, unless permission for such late registration has been given by the Registrar.
  •  A student registered for a Subject and/or Course is expected to attend all classes prescribed for such Subject/and or Course. Where tutorials, seminars, fieldwork, vacation work and practical sessions are prescribed a student is required to attend and to complete any assignment set.
  • If a student is unable to attend classes for health reasons for longer than 72 hours, he/she must notify the appropriate Faculty Office of the facts as soon as possible and submit certification in support thereof by a medical practitioner registered in accordance with the Medical, Dental and Allied Health Professions Act. For absence on grounds other than health, prior permission from the Dean on the recommendation of the Chairperson of Department concerned shall be necessary.
  •  After taking due consideration of the academic progress of a student, the Senate may require or allow a student originally registered for one Programme or
  • Subject to register for another Programme or Subject on the completion of either the First Part or the Second Part of the Programme for which he/she is registered.
  • Normally, no programme shall commence with fewer than five students.

