University of Nairobi (UoNBI) Account Number
University of Nairobi (UoNBI) Account Number is the institution’s official bank account. With the account, you can make payments for application forms, school fees, etc.
University of Nairobi (UoNBI) Account Number
The Account Number displayed below is based on Colleges, check the account allocated to your College & make payments
College of Health Sciences – Barclays Bank of Kenya, Hurlingham Branch, Nairobi account number 03-045 1039385.
College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences – Barclays Bank of Kenya, Barclays Plaza Branch, Nairobi account number 03-077 5053984.
College of Architecture and Engineering – Barclays Bank of Kenya, Barclays Plaza Branch, Nairobi account number 03-077-5053941.
College of Humanities and Social Sciences – Barclays Bank of Kenya, Westlands Branch, Nairobi account number 03-073-1100217.
College of Education and External Studies – Barclays Bank of Kenya, Barclays Plaza Branch, Nairobi account number 03-077-5053917.
College of Education and External Studies (Kenya Science Campus) – Kenya Commercial Bank, Moi Avenue Branch, Nairobi account number 1107229030.
College of Biological and Physical Sciences – Barclays Bank of Kenya, Westlands Branch, Nairobi account number 03-073-1100187.
Fees to be paid through a Bankers cheque in favour of University of Nairobi Enterprises and Services (UNES) LTD or Directly deposit of Cash in the: UNES /UON Collection Account at – Barclays Bank of Kenya, Westlands Branch, Nairobi account number 03-073-1021554.
Students should fill in Bank paying-in slips fully identifying themselves by showing their names and reference numbers, and amounts paid.
NOTE: Students are to pay their fees at the commencement of every academic year.