
Global Health, Safety & Security Lead Job at One Acre Fund

Global Health, Safety & Security Lead Job at One Acre Fund… See details on how to apply for the opportunities available at One Acre Fund.




One Acre Fund is a nonprofit organization that supplies smallholder farmers in East Africa with asset-based financing and agriculture training services to reduce hunger and poverty.


  • Most importantly: directly implement projects that improve the health and well-being of One Acre Fund staff – e.g. a COVID-19 vaccination campaign, or improving vehicle fleet safety.
  • Assess gaps and create solutions to observed risks to staff safety, guiding implementation through a small team across our countries of operation.
  • Partner with external service providers, like emergency evacuation and security advisory firms, to make recommendations to our country leaders on improving our security posture.
  • Coordinate our response to acute emergencies (e.g. staff security incidents or road traffic accidents) or longer-term crises (e.g. global COVID-19 pandemic), recognizing that responses to emergencies affecting our staff are important moments in the morale and retention of staff.
  • Use clear communications and training to influence staff to improve their health and safety behaviors.
  • You will manage the team and budget for health, safety, and security, ensuring that HSS initiatives are high-quality and cost-effective.

Minimum Qualifications:

Across all roles, these are the general qualifications we look for. For this role specifically, you will have:

  • 3+ years of experience.
  • Excellent hands-on project management (this is more important than technical HSS expertise).
  • The rapid pace of output and ability to independently navigate challenges – you are expected to do, not just advise
  • Exposure to and enthusiasms about health, safety, and security management in large organizations.
  • Deft coordination of partners (both internal and external), for example, external security partners, but just as importantly our Country Directors.

How to Apply

Interested and suitable applicants should CLICK HERE to apply.


Application Deadline: 24th November 2021.
