
Kenya Defence Force (KDF) Salary Scale 2023

Are you planning to join the Kenya Defence Force? Do you have an idea about the monthly salary for each of the positions available in the Kenya Defence Force? Well, we have compiled the salary scale below; you are advised to check below to see the salary scale.



The Ministry is headed by the Cabinet Secretary who is responsible to the President Commander–in–Chief and Parliament on matters of policy. The Cabinet Secretary is appointed by the President and chairs the Defence Council which is responsible for the overall control and direction of the Kenya Defence Forces.


The promulgation of the new Constitution 2010 created the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) to be headed by the Chief of the Defence Forces (CDF). The Chief of the Defence Forces (CDF) is the professional head of the three Kenya Defence Forces Services and the Principal Military Advisor to the Commander–in–Chief.

The CDF is the principal advisor to the President and Cabinet Secretary on any military, operational and administrative matters within the competence of the Chief of the Defence Forces. Subject to the general direction of the Defence Council chaired by the Cabinet Secretary, the CDF is responsible for the control, direction and general superintendence of the Defence Forces.

The Principal Secretary is the accounting and authorized officer on financial and administrative matters of the Ministry of Defence. He/she is also personally accountable to Parliament for the expenditures of all public money provided for the Ministry of Defence.

Executive Order No. 2 of May 2013 (Revised May 2020) created the Ministry of Defence. The work of the Ministry of Defence is informed by the Constitution of the Republic. The Ministry is obliged to facilitate and support the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) in the discharge of their mandate under Article 241 (3) (a), (b) & (c) of the Constitution, in order to ensure that KDF, which is the Ministry’s technical arm achieves its vision to be a premier, credible and mission capable force deeply rooted in professionalism.


Civilians who work in the Ministry play a complementary role to enable the KDF to concentrate on their core functions. Over the years, the civilian personnel strength rose from 200 people in 1961 to over 2000 human resources in 2020. They provide different services in support of the Defence Forces ranging from Policy, Administration, Financial Management, and Public Communications to Human Resource Management, and Medical and Technical Services.

Kenya Defence Force (KDF) Salary Scale 2023

No. Rank Pay per month Pay per year
1. Chief of Defence Forces Ksh 1,120,000 Ksh 13,440,000
8. Major Ksh 102,106 Ksh 1,225,272
7. Lieutenant- Colonel Ksh 130,735 Ksh 1,568,820
6. Colonel Ksh 153,317 Ksh 1,839,804
12. Private Ksh 19,941 Ksh 239,292
11. Lance Corporal Ksh 26,509 Ksh 318,108
10. Corporal Ksh 32,250 Ksh 387,000
5. Lieutenant-General Ksh 632,984 Ksh 7,595,808
9. Captain Ksh 73,182 Ksh 878,184
4. Commander of the Kenya Navy Ksh 902,432 Ksh 10,829,184
3. Commander of the Kenya Air Force Ksh 906,014 Ksh 10,872,168
2. Vice Chief of Defence Forces Ksh 927,500 Ksh 11,130,000


NOTE: The Commission reserve the right to make changes to this salary scale at any time, therefore, you’re advised to contact the commission for an updated salary scale.


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