
Regional Marketing and Communication Advisor Job at SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

Regional Marketing and Communication Advisor Job at SNV Netherlands Development Organisation…See Details on how to apply for the job vacancy available at SNV Netherlands Development Organisation.

SNV Netherlands Development Organisation is a non-profit international development organization, established in the Netherlands in 1965. Driven by the Sustainable Development Goals, SNV makes a lasting difference in the lives of people living in poverty by helping them raise incomes and access basic services.

  • Regional Marketing and Communication Advisor



1.Provide support in developing branding and knowledge products.

  • Design branding comms for SNV DFCD Origination Services package for regional use to be used for targeted stakeholders (e.g general public, private sector companies/investors and, policy makers)
  • Document and showcase the successes of development of Originated investments
  • Facilitate the elaboration of communicational products by external providers

2. Providing lead support for DFCD’s presence in high profile national / regional events:

  • Identify opportunities and prepare comms for external regional events
  • Propose and organize DFCD regional/national events
  • Coordinate with DFCD Consortium partners at a regional level (Sub Sahara Africa)

3.Provide support in online marketing and communication

  • Contribute with content (e.g. news items, blogs, vlogs etc) to DFCD global and regional online communication
  • Support Global DFCD Marketing Communication with content from the region.


  • Relevant Academic education.
  • Minimum of 4 years relevant and documented working experience in marketing and communication.
  • Working experience in an international business environment and/or development organization is a plus.
  • Experience of running social media campaigns.
  • Proven affinity with Climate Change and Sustainable Development.

How to Apply

Interested applicants should CLICK HERE to apply.
Application Deadline:10th March 2021.