
Technical Advisor x2 at SNV

Company Description


SNV is a not-for-profit international development organisation that applies practical know-how to make a lasting difference in the lives of people living in poverty. We use our extensive and long-term in-country presence to apply and adapt our top-notch expertise in agriculture, energy and WASH to local contexts. SNV has over 1250 staff in more than 25 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. We are proud to be a not-for-profit organisation that uses project financing to implement our mission. This requires us to work efficiently and to invest in operational excellence.

Purpose of the job:

SN4A Phase 1 SN4A applies both demand and supply-side strategy. It integrates key pillars of demand creation through triggering, social, and behaviour change communication (SBCC), improved supply of safe, affordable and nutritious diets year-round and strengthened sub-national governance. Improvement in nutritional outcomes are affected by gender roles within households. SN4A, therefore, engages both men and women within the community to review and address intra-household decision making on food production, expenditure, consumption and allocation; access to resources and women’s time and workload that often affect care practices. SNV recognises that diverse farms are important for household dietary diversity but also for local markets’ diversity. However, improved supply alone does not translate into improved consumption. Hence SN4A integrates behavioural motivators to create demand, followed by participatory SBCC. SN4A integrates key Essential Nutrition Actions (ENA) and Hygiene Actions (EHA) into the SBCC. SNV also leverages on the potential of Adolescents and young people to lead innovation and transformation. As such, SN4A provides an opportunity for education, training and employment of adolescents and young people thereby creating opportunities, particularly for adolescent and young females to reap significant social, health, nutrition and economic returns. Hence, Scaling-Up of SN4A (Scaling SN4A) will further apply the gender, nutrition and youth lens in an integrated way, leading ultimately to greater and more lasting impact at lower cost.

Scaling SN4A will contribute to the following The First 1000 Most Critical Days (MCDP) II and Priority High Impact Interventions (PHII):


 Table 1  Priority High Impact Interventions

Nutrition Interventions-PHIIs

1.  Promotion of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

2. Social and Behaviour Change Communication to Reduce Stunting

3 Promotion of Improved Infant and Young Child Feeding and Caring Practices (health improve their service delivery)

4 Promotion of Maternal Nutrition

5 Dietary Diversification through Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture


6 Promotion of Safe Water, Hygiene and Sanitation

Job Description

Main Responsibilities

  • Technical Advisor will be responsible for strengthening capacity amongst selected stakeholders in the MCDPII districts.
  • The position will provide technical assistance (TA)in the SSN4A triggering/demand creation and integrated nutrition-sensitive approach.
  • Lead efforts to build capacity in the design and implementation of sustainable, high impact, and high-quality nutrition SBCC programs that hinge on-demand creation through triggering both in SNV and among MCDPII partners
  • Manage the development of evidence-based program standards, guidance, and tools that reflect global best practice in demand creation and triggering for nutrition SBCC, and promote widespread application and use of these standards;
  • Help develop internal organizational Triggering training and develop tools, guidelines, standards to improve program quality.
  • Contribute to the learning agenda by writing nutrition background documents, briefs, and presentations, including carrying out relevant literature reviews, landscape analyses, and data analysis.
  • Foster technical capacity building of field staff through technical updates, training opportunities, exchange visits, literature sharing, etc. Actively engage in the national nutrition SBCC technical working group
  • Monitor uptake and effectiveness of demand creation/triggering.
  • will provide technical Advise to MCDPII SUN Partners in-country. This TA may involve support for Triggering and demand generation in Nutrition and nutrition SBCC program design and evaluation; nutrition Triggering and demand generation capacity building; the development of strategic plans, technical materials, communication tools, training packages, job aids, guidelines and standards; as well as the creative application of mobile technologies, community video, community radio, and other promising nutrition SBCC platforms as enshrined in the SN4A Triggering brief


  • A minimum of a Masters degree in Nutrition, or other relevant discipline
  • Minimum of 5 years of experience in nutrition programming, with experience in behavioral change campaigns, gender or market-led approaches and advantage
  • Demonstrated Knowledge on how to improve dietary diversity at intra-household level.
  • Demonstrated success in implementing programs with a measurement for results framework.
  • Demonstrated experience in providing capacity development services
  • Demonstrated experience in collaborating across projects.
  • Interested to undertake extensive field work

Additional Information

Competencies, Capabilities and Attributes: (Skills/behavioural (Special Training or Competence):

  • Organization skills and time management – a professional approach to personal time planning and respect for deadlines;
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English;
  • Excellent interpersonal skills including patience, diplomacy, willingness to listen and respect for colleagues and outside contacts;
  • Computer literate with a high degree of proficiency and productivity.

Method of Application


Closing Date: 10 Sept. 2020

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