
OpenStack Technical Support Manager Job at Canonical

OpenStack Technical Support Manager Job at Canonical… See details on how to apply for the opportunities available at Canonical.




We deliver open source to the world faster, more securely and more cost effectively than any other company. If you’re interested in a career at Canonical, we are a remote-first company so please apply to any suitable role as skills are valued more than location, despite some having a preferred geographic preference.



  • Management of a professional support team, including skills development and performance management
  • Operational control, shift scheduling, accountability for key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Ensures that all customer cases are responded to within the SLA, and in a professional manner
  • Act as the customer escalation contact, and ensure that such escalations are addressed appropriately
  • Accountability for customer satisfaction
  • Contribution to the support knowledge base
  • Continuous improvement to the team’s processes and support service delivery
  • Hire, develop and train support team to match business requirements
  • Work with the leadership team to drive growth and transformation initiatives

Required Skills And Experience

  • Extensive CLI experience with Linux at a technical level (Support, Development, Implementation).
  • Experience or knowledge of OpenStack, Public Cloud and Virtualization technologies.
  • Leadership experience, and preferably team management experience
  • Confidence under pressure, with proven track record of high customer focus
  • Preferably fluent in two languages English being primary
  • Excellent communication skills (verbal and written)